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Frame 372

Former British Columbia Premier

Christy Clark

Christy Clark is the longest-serving female Premier in Canadian history and the only woman in Canada ever to be re-elected as Premier. She has made an indelible mark on the Canadian political landscape.

She led British Columbia through a period of remarkable economic growth, fiscal responsibility, and job creation.

Under Ms. Clark's leadership, British Columbia was Canada's economic leader for three consecutive years, a feat not accomplished since the 1960s.

BC was first in job creation among the Canadian provinces. She pulled her province out of a massive deficit to deliver five consecutive balanced budgets. When she retired from office, British Columbia was triple AAA rated and on track to eliminate its operating debt by 2020, a milestone not achieved since 1976.

She championed oil and gas, securing the largest private sector investment in Canadian history, the Shell Canada LNG Plant, which will ship its first gas to Asia in 2024. She is also responsible for turning Site C, a massive hydro project that had been on the books for 50 years, into reality.

Her legacy is marked by a deep commitment to planning for future generations, leaving behind a province with a diversified economy, expanded market opportunities, a visionary clean energy plan, billions of dollars invested in infrastructure, and a significant reduction in the public debt burden to be carried by future generations of British Columbians.

Meet Our Speakers

Frame 107 (1)

Danielle Smith

Alberta Premier

Frame 109 (1)

Jody Wilson-Raybould

Keynote Speech